At the site where now Kodai Resort Hotel stands once stood Overdane. One among the oldest buildings built by the British settlers, Overdane has a history that is as aged as the history of Kodaikanal. Built late in 1899, Overdane was then called Underhill. Later, the building was re-named to Hollowdene by Mr. A. G. Grover. The house was then sold to Mr. C. S. Schmidt on 19th July 1915, who then modified the building and gave it the name Overdane. After the death of Mr. Schmidt, Mrs. Schmidt sold Overdane to Mrs. Dores Hudson on 6th September 1943. Mrs. Dores Hudson was the wife of Major Arthur John Hudson. After India won its freedom, Mrs. Hudson moved to London; where she lived on No. 16, Newton Court, Kensington Church Street. Later, she sold Overdane to the Church of South India Trust Association on 14th July, 1949.